Reframe: AI & Data Management

An Artificial Intelligence chatbot that helps nurses and Reframe staff understand patient needs and data dashboards designed to make sure data is accurate, accessible and easily understood by the business.


Reframe had two key challenges. Firstly, there were historical patient call audio files that they weren’t able to gain insights on to help understand their patient’s needs and inform their future proposition. Secondly, the data wasn’t in a place it could be verified as accurate, nor reviewed and understood by all levels of the business.


To solve challenge one: An Artificial Intelligence chatbot (proof of concept) that helps nurses and Reframe staff understand the key needs, trends and categories of their patients. Nurses could ask questions such as “how many patients had testicular cancer?” or “what are the top concerns of patients when they talk to our nurses”. To solve challenge two: Data dashboards integrating with all Reframe systems through applications and SQL to create metrics and immediately see trends and statistics at a glance.

What we did

  • AI Chatbot POC technology architecture
  • AI Chatbot POC design and development using OpenAI 3.5 Turbo
  • Developed key metrics for the business to understand product, create benchmarks and create a baseline to improve from for key areas
  • Create all data dashboards and helped the business understand their north star goal


We showcased the benefits of AI to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of services and inform the future AI roadmap. The solution gives Reframe the ability to easily understand patient needs through a Q&A chatbot interface and uses insights to inform proposition and product improvements. We created a time to value metric for the product team within a complex value proposition. Now all teams can glean insights and see data in real time alongside areas to change or improve.

Orbit29 did an excellent job of managing the project and communicating with us throughout the entire process.

Thomas Smith
Product Manager
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