
With leaders in organisations feeling increasingly squeezed from above and below, Pavelka sought to create a new product to help leaders improve the wellbeing of themselves and their teams.


Leaders are struggling to adjust to the new landscape of hybrid working with multi- generational teams, and an economic decline. Managing boundaries, burnout, isolation, loneliness, and culture development for themselves and their teams leads to increased stress levels. Leaders are ‘trapped’ in the middle, feeling pressure from senior leadership managing the demands of their team. Where do leaders turn to for support?


A leader-focussed wellbeing product that enables leaders to better manage their own wellbeing and the wellbeing of their teams during turbulent times.

What we did

  • Market research and competitive analysis
  • Interview & Survey design & execution
  • Research insights and thematic analysis
  • Problem statement definition
  • Product Ideation
  • Product strategy-on-a-page including UVP
  • Product prototype/ proof of concept
  • Market messaging based on research
  • MVP Product Roadmap & Metrics


The result? Research-backed product concepts to test in-market within 8 weeks; a de-risked the business model and overarching proposition; alignment within Pavelka around the key pain-points and ideas to focus the MVP around.

I appreciated Orbit29 thinking outside the box and the methods they used to produce the best possible outcomes.

Jessie Pavelka
CEO & Co-Founder
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